L500 is a private, invitation-only network of Latina leaders

Our Mission

To empower and elevate more Latinas into executive roles.

Our Vision

Every Fortune 500 company will have a Latina in the C-Suite.

Our vision is that every Fortune 500 company will have a Latina in the C-Suite. We want Latinas to have a voice and to be represented in executive positions, to serve on corporate Boards and to be on stage at every major event and decision-making conference.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, we created a private network of Latina executives that can empower each other, open doors for each other, build bridges, create connections and make an impact on younger Latinas so they can also aspire to have a seat at the table.

Our model is chapter-based, with the goal of first creating a strong local community of Latina leaders and then uniting our networks across chapters. L500 currently has a chapter in Austin, Texas, and Miami, Florida, with more to come soon!

Our Pillars


Empower more Latinas by creating a powerful network of Latina executives, developing peer-based career
growth programs, executive coaching sessions, networking events and leadership retreats designed to enhance
professional growth.


Connect with organizations and companies to provide a pipeline of diverse executive talent for leadership positions, Boards and speaking engagements.


Impact young Latinas through mentorship opportunities and partner with educational organizations to help nurture future Latina leaders.